Being A Registered Nurse Essay. Words2 Pages. Registered nurse; a nurse who has graduated from a college’s nursing program or from a school of nursing and has passed a national licensing exam. Registered Nurses play a very important role in any modern day hospital, healthcare clinics and other medical facilities If you need assistance with writing your nursing essay, our professional nursing essay writing service is here to help! Find out more. For this reason, this paper would be discussing the role of the registered nurse in health care delivery. We would also discuss the professional standard and expectations for registered nurse Nursing over the few centuries has dramatically changed in relation to the higher growing need for medical attention, this essay will assess the work of nurse Ellen Savage against the the current National Competency Standards (NCS) for a registered nurse, and will evaluate her practice in comparison to the current for a registered nurse. The essay will read, an introduction of nurse Ellen Savage and her
A Career as a Registered Nurse Essay - Words | Bartleby
Registered Nurse As the child of a registered nurse RNI grew up watching my mom working in an environment that was inspirational, rewarding, challenging, and registered nurse essay dull.
I watched her best qualities, which include a great sense of humor, sincere interest in the lives of others, and extraordinary compassion, being brought to life by her job. It was during these days of waving her off to work, hearing her stories at the dinner table, registered nurse essay, and frequently visiting her at the hospitals and clinics, that I decided that I, too, would pursue a career as an registered nurse.
Many times Registered nurse essay asked my mother, "What does an RN do? An RN may deal with tedious tasks, such as administering medicine and changing…. egistered Nurse Does your work setting foster inter-disciplinary teamwork? The environment that I work in is encouraging teamwork.
This is because the registered nurse serves a vital role in increasing the quality of care for everyone. In our setting, all staff members are encouraged to speak up and share their ideas with others. This helps us to reduce critical errors and enhance treatment options. Gerardi, One of the tools that have been utilized in achieving these objectives is new technology. What has been happening is the facility is introducing various solutions in order to enhance collaboration such as: electronic medical records.
When this is used in conjunction with conflict resolution strategies, interdisciplinary team work improves. This is occurring by having procedures, polices registered nurse essay an environment that is pushing everyone to cooperate. Gerardi, Registered nurse essay effects are that everybody on the health care team is working with each other…. References Fox, M. A Multi-Disciplinary Teamwork. Journal of Internal Medicine, 23 12-- Gerardi, D.
CE Using Mediation Techniques. AACN, 15 2-- Puntillo, K. Communication between Physicians and Nurses. Critical Care Medicine, 34 11-- The huge numbers of these practitioners is attributed to their ability to work in diverse settings that are well-lit and comfortable, registered nurse essay. Furthermore, their huge numbers are attributed to their work schedules i. rotating shifts that cover the entire 24 hours due to the need for round-the-clock care in hospitals and nursing care centers.
As a result, registered nurses may work on weekends, during holidays, and at night, registered nurse essay. One of the dangers of being a registered nurse is that an individual is vulnerable to back injuries. This is primarily because their work involves a lot of standing, registered nurse essay, walking, stretching, and bending as well as lifting and moving patients.
Secondly, the probability of contacting infectious diseases is high because they work with such patients and come into contact with potentially hazardous and harmful…. References: "Registered Nurses. Occupational Outlook Handbook Edition, registered nurse essay.
Retrieved from Bureau of Labor Statistics -- U. In all, registered nurse essay, a total of shifts were studied of which 2, shifts were for more than Within the day period of the study two thirds of the nurses reported to have registered nurse essay overtime 10 times or even more. Registered nurse essay was found that there were not considerable differences in the error rate in terms of the age of the nurse or the hospital size. Thus commission of errors increases registered nurse essay with the increase of the work time.
Bibliography Linda H. Aiken et. pdf Rogers, Ann E. Rogers et. Moreover, other key benefits of a baccalaureate education include increased self-direction, improved ethical conduct, enhanced performance, increased responsibility, and professional enhancement. Leonard, This situation is what they call the RN to Registered nurse essay program that encourages registered nurses with ADN or diploma course as entry-levels for nursing licensure, to go back to school and get a bachelor's degree.
shtml, para 11 Inthere were RN-to-BSN programs in the United States. Accelerated master's degree programs in nursing also are available. These programs combine 1 year of an accelerated BSN program with 2 years of graduate study. Inthere were RN-to-MSN programs. htm,para3 Because a bachelor's degree in nursing offers great opportunities for registered nurse, the number of RNs availing such privileges is increasing.
At the same time, hospitals are also considering BSN as the minimum requirement for employment. January 21, Entry Level BSN Program. Leonard, T. RN to BSN -- advice on returning to school. registered nurses pursing baccalaureate degree. AORN Journal. Nursing - General Registered Nurse. January 21.
The researchers believe that future research should include studies with large enough sample sizes to assess whether factors associated with satisfaction vary by subgroup such as new graduates in the first year of practice. For instance, the study included mostly white females, leaving the reader to wonder if males or people from different ethnicities or from different age groups have their own unique criteria for work satisfaction.
Supporting this is the fact that the study found that lacks were less satisfied than Whites, registered nurse essay. The researchers also suggest the inclusion of additional factors that may affect attitudes and satisfaction such as communication with physicians. In particular, as Advanced Practice Nurses subsume some of the roles traditionally allocated to the physician, it will be interesting to see if interactions with physicians becomes are greater issue for satisfaction for all nurses.
Registered nurse essay of Findings The authors generalize their findings to all MSAs based…. Bibliography Kovner, C. Factors associated with work satisfaction of registered nurses. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 38 1 Careers in Registered Nursing Today and in the Future The need for registered nurses has never been greater. In today's healthcare environment, cost and quality, as well as an organization's ability to delivery positive outcomes, will largely determine its success. Further, rapid developments in science and new community responsibilities require new approaches to nursing today.
In addition, and perhaps even more importantly, Americans are getting older faster, and the demands on the healthcare system to provide for timely and appropriate levels of care for this growing segment of the population will require innovative approaches to healthcare delivery, including expanded roles for registered nurses.
This paper examines the current status of registered nursing in the United States including typical wages and benefits, followed by a description of the types of duties and responsibilities generally encountered in healthcare settings. An analysis of current and future trends for registered nurses is followed by…. Works Cited Nursing: A Career with Unlimited Potential. Robinson, Zane Wolf. Nurses' Work: The Sacred and the Profane.
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, Roemer, registered nurse essay, Milton I. National Health Systems of the World. New York: Oxford University Press, Scarborough, Harold. Nursing, hospital. In Encyclopedia Britannica. com [premium service]. RN vs. LPN NURSE PRACTICE ACT Differences in Scope of Practice for RN and LPN The Nurse Practice Act Definitions and Practice Differences Statute of this document defines a registered or professional nurse or RN as one possessing a license to practice professional nursing for free or for pay KSN, She has acquired substantial specialized knowledge in the biological, physical and behavioral sciences for the care, diagnosis, registered nurse essay, treatment, counsel and education of those in their care.
Care covers treatment or prevention of disordered conditions or the administration of a medical plan by a licensed health professional KSN. Her duties are often expansive, including the ability to perform critical thinking at work, often in hospitals Nursing Licensure, The statute also defines a licensed practical nurse or LPN as one who is licensed to practice practical nursing.
Her assigned tasks and responsibilities are determined by acceptable or registered nurse essay educational…. RN duties vs. LPN duties. Chron: Hearts Newspapers. html KSBN Nurse practice act -- statutes and administrative regulations. Kansas Board of Nursing: KSBN, registered nurse essay. pdf NCBon Delegation and assignment of nursing activities.
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Providing a student possesses these characteristics and is capable of doing well throughout her nursing program, she should be fully prepared to succeed in a career as a registered nurse. The job of a registered nurse is certainly one that involves a great deal of responsibilities. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, “registered nurses treat patients, educate patients and the public about If you need assistance with writing your nursing essay, our professional nursing essay writing service is here to help! Find out more. For this reason, this paper would be discussing the role of the registered nurse in health care delivery. We would also discuss the professional standard and expectations for registered nurse Essay On Registered Nurse There are many different jobs and duties required of a Registered Nurse (RN). The job duties include the main focal points of the job, such as administering medicines and treatments to patients; monitor the medical equipment, and even teaching the patient and the patient’s families on how to manage illnesses and injuries
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