Saturday, November 27, 2021

Neat people vs sloppy people essay

Neat people vs sloppy people essay

neat people vs sloppy people essay

Neat people abhor mess so before they work, they fix the muddle first. Everything must be in perfect order before they can even start thinking as disorderliness in space intervenes with their thinking. On the contrary, sloppy people do not require clean or organized surroundings to do anything Jan 30,  · One of the examples is that sloppy people give attention to every detail. In other words they get attached to everything they come in contact with. Whether is a newspaper, a litter, or even a rubber band. On the contrary neat people have a low moral The author of this essay, Suzanne Britt is a poet, essayist, and teacher. Her essay “Neat People vs. Sloppy People” is from one of her books “Show and Tell”. The purpose of her essay is to highlight the differences of neat people and sloppy people by changing the meaning and purposes around this topic. The tone of her essay is humorous, yet blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins

Neat People Vs Sloppy People, Essay Sample

Someone reading this article is either going to be bothered by the context or is going to agree with the view of the messy side. The author of this essay, Suzanne Britt is a poet, essayist, and teacher.

The purpose of her essay is to highlight the differences of neat people and sloppy people by changing the meaning and purposes around this topic. The tone of her essay is humorous, yet straightforward.

She is able to make jokes about both sides, while being assertive in her meaning of these two styles of life. By looking at these two contrasting lifestyles, it is seems that she favors the sloppy side of life. Even though she talks about the sloppy life as putting things off and collecting clutter, she recognizes it as a good thing.

It is as though she switches the meanings of the two characteristics to make sloppy positive and neat negative, neat people vs sloppy people essay, showing the author has a preference.

This odd exchange of the two types of traits makes this article interesting since most would associate being sloppy as a negative. When analyzing these two traits it is seems that the characteristics that would normally describe a neat person describes a sloppy person. However, the author seems to think someday is not always a bad thing. They never know when they just might need something and it would be a waste to have to rebuy something that they had previously. So, I guess she thinks that they are thrifty and not wasteful people.

Neat people get rid neat people vs sloppy people essay things too quick and can be uneconomical in the long run, neat people vs sloppy people essay. By switching their meanings around, Britt is able to show just how different these two lifestyles are. She seems to imply that sloppy people are caring and will get neat people vs sloppy people essay things done when needed.

They are laid back and want to enjoy life by not worrying about keeping everything perfect. Sloppy people do not get caught up in the day to day rush of life and enjoy what they do. Neat people are not relaxed and worry about what others think too much. The author seems to feel that there is more to life than being spick-and-span. One can insinuate based on how she describes both neat and sloppy that Britt favors the messy side.

She uses humor almost in a satirical way in order to get her point across while being completely forward with the reader in her feelings towards both sides. By incorporating different techniques throughout her essay, Britt is able to portray her thoughts and feelings on the subject of neat verses sloppy people. After reading her article, a neat person might consider relaxing a neat people vs sloppy people essay and recognize that there just might be more to life than being spotless.

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“Neat People vs Sloppy People” analysis Essay - Custom University Papers

neat people vs sloppy people essay

In Britt’s essay, “Neat People vs. Sloppy People”, Suzanne Britt criticizes neat people in a humorous way for certain behaviors. Britt creates a humorous tone and a good impression for sloppy people. This excerpt appears in a book “Show and Tell” Britt writes “It is her journey into the awful cave of self” () Jan 30,  · One of the examples is that sloppy people give attention to every detail. In other words they get attached to everything they come in contact with. Whether is a newspaper, a litter, or even a rubber band. On the contrary neat people have a low moral Feb 28,  · "Neat People vs Sloppy People" analysis Purpose of Suzanne Britt Essay. The author of this essay, Suzanne Britt is a poet, essayist, and teacher. Her essay Showing Neat as Negative and Sloppy as Positive. When analyzing these two traits it is seems that the Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins

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