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Occupational Noise Exposure Evaluation of Airline Ramp Workers. Adekunle OgunyemiUniversity of South Florida Follow. Noise exposure is a common hazard to workforce in general although at varying degrees depending on the occupation, as many workers are exposed for long periods of time to potentially hazardous noise. Every year, twenty-two million workers are exposed to potentially damaging noise at work.
In U. OSHA, There may be a direct or indirect consequence of the possibilities of overexposure to noise notwithstanding the compulsory hearing protection requests for the occupations with potential hazards, and these exposures usually arise from the various types of heavy repair equipment and tools related to the job functions.
In the United States ten million people have noise related hearing loss CDC, and damage done to the ear is not noticed until earing diminishes significantly. One of the noisiest occupations there are include the flight ground crews and flight maintenance personnel otherwise dissertation on noise exposure as Ground Operation Workers. These categories of workers have varying functions in the noisiest area at the ramp, and this exposes them to noise that could lead to hearing impairment or permanent ear damage.
This study was focused on workers on the ramps at the international airport of a large US city, dissertation on noise exposure. These workers also are known as ground handling staff, and these employees perform different tasks on the airline ramp, which include unloading luggage from the airline, picking up and moving luggage from the belt room, and to loading baggage onto the airline. This study was conducted using personal dosimeters which were calibrated before and after each sampling event out on four different employees over a period of four days and the collected data were downloaded to a personal computer for further analysis.
Dissertation on noise exposure the results of this study, the highest noise exposures occurred on a ground operation worker 3 GOW3 with an 8-hr TWA exposure of The second highest exposure occurred on ground operation worker 1 GOW1 on the fourth day with an 8-hr TWA exposure of For ground operations worker 2 GOW2 and dissertation on noise exposure operation worker 4 GOW4the highest exposure occurred on the second day with None of the workers exposures exceeded the OSHA permissible exposure limit of 90 dBA.
The United States Navy uses the OSHA noise standard to evaluate noise exposure on ships and all Navy installations. According to University of South Florida institutional review Board, this study is categorized as a program evaluation that has no intervention with human subjects. The workers that participated in this study did so voluntarily. Ogunyemi, Adekunle, "Occupational Noise Exposure Evaluation of Airline Ramp Workers" Graduate Theses and Dissertations, dissertation on noise exposure.
Public Health Commons. Advanced Search. Home About Help My Account Accessibility Statement Diversity and Inclusion Statement. Privacy Copyright. Skip to main content. USF Home USF Research USF Libraries. Title Occupational Noise Exposure Evaluation of Airline Ramp Workers. Author Adekunle OgunyemiUniversity of South Florida Follow.
Keywords Occupational Noise Exposure, Hearing Loss, Noise, Hearing Protection. Abstract Noise exposure is a common hazard to workforce in general although at varying degrees dissertation on noise exposure on the occupation, as many workers are exposed for long periods of time to potentially hazardous noise. Scholar Commons Citation Ogunyemi, Adekunle, "Occupational Noise Exposure Evaluation of Airline Ramp Workers" DOWNLOADS Since August 23, Included in Public Health Commons.
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Occupational Noise Exposure
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THESIS OCCUPATIONAL EXSPOSURES TO NOISE RESULTING FROM THE WORKPLACE USE OF PERSONAL MEDIA PLAYERS Submitted by Daniel Autenrieth Noise Exposure Category Table FFL Aeq Listening Levels, by Noise Exposure Category Table Attenuation Estimates, with 95% Confidence Intervals, by Noise Exposure Aug 23, · Noise exposure is a common hazard to workforce in general although at varying degrees depending on the occupation, as many workers are exposed for long periods of time to potentially hazardous noise. Every year, twenty-two million workers are exposed to potentially damaging noise at work. In U.S. businesses paid over $ million in penalties for not protecting workers from noise Dissertation On Noise Exposure, Computer Education Essay, What Is A College Level Research Pap, Benchmark Assignment - Diversity In Health Care Essay. Madison Avenue, , New York City, USA + [email protected] %. Place order now! Come and place /10()
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