First Year Curriculum Notes: During the first year, students complete Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering and one other introductory engineering course. Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering is a prerequisite for , , and Students who are not able to take in their first year, will push the Mechanics I and Mechanics II into their junior Learning objectives should be measurable. Because learning objectives should guide the selection of assessments, they cannot be vague. All of learning objectives we've exemplified are measurable in that they point to a clear assessment that can easily check whether students have mastered that skill (e.g., asking students to state a given theorem, giving students a thesis statement to prove Digital Journal is a digital media news network with thousands of Digital Journalists in countries around the world. Join us!
Learning Objectives - Eberly Center - Carnegie Mellon University
Srinivasan Seshan, Department Head, Computer Science Location: GHC Mark Stehlik, Program Director, cmu phd thesis, Assistant Dean for Outreach Location: GHC Mary Widom, Program Coordinator, CS Undergraduate Office Location: GHC www. The B. program in Computer Science combines a solid core of Computer Science courses with the ability to gain additional depth through a required minor in a second subject or a concentration in a computing area, cmu phd thesis.
In addition, the curriculum provides breadth through numerous choices for science, engineering, humanities and fine arts courses. As computing is a discipline with strong links to many fields, this provides students with unparalleled flexibility to pursue allied or non-allied interests.
Students apply to, and are directly admitted into, cmu phd thesis, the School of Computer Science. Admitted students may choose to pursue an undergraduate degree in Computer Science and, upon successful completion, are awarded a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.
Suitably prepared students from other Carnegie Mellon colleges are eligible to apply for internal transfer to the School of Computer Science and will be considered for transfer if grades in core CS requirements are sufficiently high and space is available. Students in the B. program in Computer Science are cmu phd thesis to acquire the following skills upon graduation:. Due to the tremendous number of ongoing research projects within the School, many students obtain part-time or summer jobs, or receive independent study credit, working on research while pursuing their undergraduate degree.
SCS also offers a B, cmu phd thesis. degree in Cmu phd thesis Intelligence, a B. degree in Computational Biology, a B, cmu phd thesis. cmu phd thesis in Human-Computer Interaction, and a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and the Arts jointly with the College of Fine Arts.
More detail about the Artificial Intelligence major, the Computational Biology major and the Computer Cmu phd thesis and the Arts program is available in separate sections of the Undergraduate Catalog. SCS offers additional majors in Computer Science for non-CS majorsHuman-Computer Interaction, cmu phd thesis, and Robotics, cmu phd thesis, and minors in Computational Biology, Computer Science for non-CS majorscmu phd thesis, Human-Computer Interaction, Language Technologies, Machine Learning, Neural Computation, Cmu phd thesis, and Software Engineering.
Information about additional majors and minors in SCS besides those in Computer Science are cmu phd thesis in a separate section in the Undergraduate Catalog. These courses offer students an opportunity to explore scientific and engineering domains that can influence their effectiveness as computer scientists upon graduation. Requirements for this component of the degree are listed under the SCS main page under General Education Requirements.
Some courses from the Tepper School of Business also qualify for this requirement. These courses offer students breadth in their education and perspectives and provide students with a better appreciation of social, artistic, cultural, political and economic issues that can influence their effectiveness cmu phd thesis computer scientists upon graduation.
Students completing the bachelor's degree in Computer Science must complete either a minor outside of SCS or a concentration within Cmu phd thesis. A minor is a sequence of typically courses within a particular department to give students a core of a specific discipline but not an entire major of study, cmu phd thesis.
Refer to the sections for other CMU colleges for details about available non-SCS minors. An SCS concentration is a sequence of typically courses within an SCS department to give students further depth in specific areas of research important to SCS. SCS concentrations are available only to SCS students and assume that these students have a significant core knowledge in Computer Science includingand See the SCS Concentrations section for a list of available concentrations and their requirements.
Completion of an additional major or dual degree also satisfies this requirement. Students should consult with their academic advisor to plan for their desired minor or concentration starting in the sophomore year, cmu phd thesis. In general, courses taken in satisfaction of the minor or additional major may also count toward any general education category in the CS major i. courses outside of the Computer Science and Mathematics requirements.
Double counting toward Computer Science and Mathematics courses in the CS major is strictly limited and depends on the chosen minor or additional major. In general, students may double count at most 5 of the 12 core Computer Science requirements toward all other declared additional majors and minors.
Additional majors and minors have their own double counting rules as well, cmu phd thesis. Consult with a CS undergraduate advisor and an advisor from the department of the minor or additional major for specific restrictions on double counting.
The following course is required of all students to familiarize them with the campus computing environment:, cmu phd thesis. A free elective is any Carnegie Mellon course. The sample given below is for a student who already has credit for introductory programming and one semester of calculus. Students with credit for two semesters of calculus may start with a more advanced math class e.
It is recommended that students keep their academic load lighter for their Senior Fall semester to account for offsite job interviews or for their Senior Spring semester to account for visits cmu phd thesis graduate schools. Some elective courses are offered only once per year Fall or Spring.
Constrained electives are shown in the specific semesters in the schedule above as an example only, cmu phd thesis. Students should consult with their academic advisor to determine the best elective options depending on course availability, their academic interests and their career goals. CS majors may use the SCS Honors Research Thesis as part of their degree. The SCS Honors Undergraduate Research Thesis typically starts in the fall semester of the senior year, and spans the entire senior year.
Students receive a total of 36 units of academic credit for the thesis work, 18 units per semester. Up to 18 units can be counted toward CS elective requirements 9 per semester for 2 semesters maximum.
Students interested in research may also consider using SEE Research and Innovation in Computer Science9 units as their technical communications requirement in their junior year since this course will introduce students to various research projects going on in the School of Computer Science that may lead to a senior thesis.
This course leads to a subsequent SEE Research Practicum in Computer Science12 units that allows students to complete a small-scale research study or experiment and present a research poster.
Students who cmu phd thesis to start their senior thesis can use these units toward the required 36 units. For more information about the SCS Honors Research Thesis, refer to the SCS Honors Research Thesis section for learning objectives, application requirements and expected outcomes. Students wishing to pursue a Dual Degree in Computer Science are required to apply in the cmu phd thesis way as students wishing to transfer into the Computer Science major.
Cmu phd thesis are given in the SCS Policies section. Dual degree students do not need to cmu phd thesisand these students will replace with either or Since the CS major requires at least a minor or concentration in another area, the student's primary major will substitute for this requirement.
Note that the primary major must be completed prior to or at the same time as the dual degree in CS to satisfy the minor requirement; a dual degree in CS cannot be certified if the primary degree is not completed. Students pursuing a Dual Degree in Computer Cmu phd thesis must complete all requirements for the CS primary major except which is not required and which will be replaced with or In addition, at most 5 of the 12 computer science requirements can double count with all other declared majors and minors.
Students, especially from interdisciplinary majors or with multiple majors or minors, are urged to consult with the Assistant Dean or Undergraduate Program Coordinator in the CS Undergraduate Office to determine double-counting restrictions specific to their own situations.
Students interested in pursuing an additional major in Computer Science should first consult with the Program Coordinator in the CS Undergraduate Office. Students are expected to complete the requirements for the CS minor first before continuing on to the additional major. Completion of the CS additional major requires 12 computer science courses not including and if needed5 mathematics courses, and 1 technical communication course.
Students are expected to complete all courses for the additional major with an average QPA of 3. Declaration for the additional major is allowed only after all math requirements are completed or in progress, and at least 9 of the 12 CS requirements core and electives are completed or in progress.
Due to high demand, seats in upper-level CS courses are not guaranteed for additional majors so students should plan to be flexible in selecting constrained and general electives. Acceptance to complete a Computer Science additional major is not guaranteed and depends on student performance and seat availability.
Students pursuing an Additional Major in Computer Science must complete all requirements listed above. In addition, at most 5 of the 12 computer science requirements can cmu phd thesis double counted toward all other declared majors and minors.
The mathematics and technical communication requirements can be double counted without restriction. Students, especially from interdisciplinary majors or with multiple majors or minors, are urged to consult with the Computer Science Program Director or the Undergraduate Program Coordinator in the CS Undergraduate Office to determine double-counting restrictions specific to their own situations, cmu phd thesis. Students interested in pursuing a minor in Computer Science should first consult with the Program Coordinator in the CS Undergraduate Office after completion of the prerequisites,and with at least one of the level required courses in progress.
Students are expected to complete all courses for the minor with a C or higher for a minor average QPA of 2. Students may double-count a maximum of 2 courses for the CS minor not including the prerequisites toward all other majors and minors. Students, especially from computing-related majors, interdisciplinary majors or with multiple cmu phd thesis or minors, are urged to consult with the Computer Science Program Director or the Undergraduate Program Coordinator in the CS Undergraduate Cmu phd thesis to review double-counting restrictions specific to their own situations.
Each Carnegie Mellon course number begins with a two-digit prefix that designates the department offering the course i. Although each department maintains its own course numbering practices, typically, the first digit after the prefix indicates the class level: xx-1xx courses are freshmen-level, xx-2xx courses are sophomore level, etc, cmu phd thesis.
Depending on the department, xx-6xx courses may be either undergraduate senior-level or graduate-level, cmu phd thesis, and xx-7xx courses and higher are graduate-level. Consult the Schedule of Classes each semester for course offerings and for any necessary pre-requisites or co-requisites.
The Undergraduate Computer Science Program is a college-wide program, administered by all departments of the School of Computer Science. However, for brevity's sake, this page lists only courses from the Computer Science Department. Students are highly encouraged to explore courses offered by the entire college.
Descriptions for all School of Computer Science courses can be found under the School of Computer Science. Send Page to Printer. Download Page PDF, cmu phd thesis. Skip to Content Cmu phd thesis Index Edition Home Catalog Home Carnegie Melon University Home.
Undergraduate Catalog Toggle menu. edu The B. sequential implementation, computability. Implement solutions to problems in domains such as artificial intelligence, graphics and sound, software engineering, and human-computer interaction, by applying the fundamentals of those areas to create solutions to current problems while being exposed to research developments that will enable them to adapt as the cmu phd thesis changes.
Curriculum - B. in Computer Science The following requirements are for students entering Cmu phd thesis Computer Science Computer Science Core all of the following : Units First Year Immigration Course 1 Principles of Imperative Computation students without credit or a waiver for cmu phd thesis, Fundamentals of Programming and Computer Science, must take before 10 Principles of Functional Programming 10 Parallel and Sequential Data Structures and Algorithms 12 Introduction to Computer Systems 12 Great Ideas in Theoretical Computer Science 12 Algorithm Design and Analysis 12 One Artificial Intelligence elective min.
One Software Systems elective min. Computer Science Additional Major Students interested in pursuing an additional major in Computer Science should first consult with the Program Coordinator in the CS Undergraduate Office. NOTE: The following undergraduate courses do NOT count as Computer Science electives:cmu phd thesis,, cmu phd thesis, Some IDEATE courses and some SCS undergraduate and graduate courses might not be allowed based on course content.
Consult with a CS cmu phd thesis advisor before registration to determine eligibility for this requirement. Computer Science Minor Students interested in pursuing a minor in Computer Science should first consult with the Program Coordinator in the CS Undergraduate Office after completion of the prerequisites,and with at least one of the level required courses in progress.
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Digital Journal is a digital media news network with thousands of Digital Journalists in countries around the world. Join us! Undergraduate Research Thesis. CS majors may use the SCS Honors Research Thesis as part of their degree. The SCS Honors Undergraduate Research Thesis typically starts in the fall semester of the senior year, and spans the entire senior year. Students receive a total of 36 units of academic credit for the thesis work, 18 units per semester Learning objectives should be measurable. Because learning objectives should guide the selection of assessments, they cannot be vague. All of learning objectives we've exemplified are measurable in that they point to a clear assessment that can easily check whether students have mastered that skill (e.g., asking students to state a given theorem, giving students a thesis statement to prove
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