argument and represents a second alternative case for arts education. Catterall takes issue with Eisner’s thesis that arts education should not be justified by its contribution to other academic subjects. Catterall proceeds to cite a plethora of research studies that he believes demonstrate improved academic outcomes as a result of arts The role of arts education has been discussed at length throughout the United States for many years. Arts educational programs have maintained resounding successes in graduation and attendance statistics. However, it is unclear if there is a correlation or causal relationship between arts education programs and students' self-efficacy and sense of membership Arts Education and Academic Performance. One area to examine in your dissertation would be the ability of arts education to improve academic performance. You can look at universal result
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The many intersections between art and education provide a multitude of potential dissertation topics, from the benefits of art courses on academic performance to the differences in arts programming between urban and suburban schools.
You can generate ideas for a strong thesis statement with a review of research from leading national arts agencies, including the Americans for the Arts or the National Endowment for the Arts, and then expand with your own original research in your own community, art education dissertation, university or local school district. One area to examine in your dissertation would be the ability of arts education to improve academic performance, art education dissertation.
You can look at universal result indications of the impact of art education, such as SAT scores, or dissect the impact of arts education by subject area, such as math or reading. You can also focus on one specific art form in an effort to determine in which academic subject it yielded the most significant results, art education dissertation.
Another approach can center on the impact of art education on student retention. An example of such a study would be to compare the rate at which students art education dissertation involved in the arts continued their education at the postsecondary level or found jobs, compared to students art education dissertation did not participate heavily in arts programming. Art and its ability to forge new educational pathways for students with special needs or disabilities can also be the basis for a dissertation, art education dissertation.
You can design a thesis statement art education dissertation study the benefits of arts education for a specific subset of students with special needs, such as students managing autism or dyslexia, discussing how, if at all, these students benefited from art classes and what methods were most beneficial, art education dissertation. Examining the differences in arts programming art education dissertation schools is another compelling area to examine in a dissertation.
You can approach this topic by comparing differences and similarities in arts programming in urban versus suburban schools, art education dissertation, discussing types of courses offered in each program, how those classes are administered or how the different groups of students respond to the programming.
You could also study the distribution of the different arts, such as dance versus music or art education dissertation arts, as they are represented within curriculums. You can then use your writing to propose adjustments to these distributions.
Teresa J. Siskin has been a researcher, art education dissertation, writer and editor since She holds a doctorate in art history. By Teresa J. Related Articles. Schools With Master's Programs in the Atlanta, Georgia Area Math Projects for Sixth Graders What Do People in College Have to Study If They Want to Become a Teacher? Christian Colleges With a Digital Media Degree Ph. Programs in Composition and Rhetoric.
Arts Education and Academic Performance One area to examine in your dissertation would be the ability of arts education to improve academic performance. Art Education and Special Needs Students Art and its ability to forge new educational pathways for students with special needs or disabilities can also be the basis for a dissertation.
Disparities in Art Education Examining the differences in arts programming between schools is another compelling area to examine in a dissertation. References U. Department of Education Educational Resources Information Center ERIC : Critical Links: Learning in the Arts and Student Academic and Social Development Americans for the Arts: Average SAT Scores Based on Years of Study in Art and Music Americans for the Arts: Students with High Level of Arts Involvement: Less Likely to Drop Out of School Americans for the Arts: Increased Arts Involvement Among Disadvantaged Students Leads to: Finding a Better Job, Earning a College Degree, and Volunteering The Kennedy Center and the International Organization on Arts and Disability: The intersection of Arts Education and Special Education: Exemplary Programs and Approaches Americans for the Arts: Uneven Arts Education Opportunities Nationwide National Endowment for the Arts: Arts Education in Art education dissertation What the Declines Mean for Arts Participation.
The Importance of Art Education - StarTalk
, time: 3:45Art Education Journal • National Art Education Association

Theses/Dissertations from PDF. A Maoli-Based Art Education: Ku'u Mau Kuamo'o 'Ōlelo, Raquel Malia Andrus. PDF. Accumulation of Divine Service, Blaine Lee Atwood. PDF. Caroline Murat: Powerful Patron of Napoleonic France and Italy, Brittany Dahlin. PDF argument and represents a second alternative case for arts education. Catterall takes issue with Eisner’s thesis that arts education should not be justified by its contribution to other academic subjects. Catterall proceeds to cite a plethora of research studies that he believes demonstrate improved academic outcomes as a result of arts Mar 04, · Users can read reviews of over 1, dissertations in the humanities and social science fields from around the globe. In each review, an early career scholar in the field outlines the dissertator's main argument and sources and discusses how the dissertation fits into the field's existing body of Author: Katy Parker
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